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A Beginner’s Guide to Delphi Programming
Author: Zarko Gajic
Language: english
Hits: 22601

Free online programming course for beginner developers. Focus on Borland Delphi. This free online course is perfect for beginner developers as well as for those who want a broad overview of the art of programming with Borland Delphi.

Author: Stephan Munz
Language: german
Hits: 17498

This tutorial describes how to create and use ActiveX controls for websites.

Alles ueber Ressourcen
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 15404

All about resources. In german only.

Clipboard change notification
Author: Peter Johnson
Language: english
Hits: 13830

Tutorial about how to link into the Windows clipboard chain and get notified when the content changes.

Design Patterns in OP
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 16267

Programming needs Pattern with interfaces, n-classes which supports algorithms at runtime. The article introduces Pattern in OP (ObjectPascal) classified in creational, structure and behaveoural Pattern.

DLL Tutorial
Author: Assarbad
Language: german
Hits: 17185

How to write and implement Dlls

ECO II mit Delphi 2005
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 12699

ECO II with Delphi 2005

Ein Pflichtenheft erstellen
Author: Team-HDvO
Language: german
Hits: 18577

How to create a technical requirements document.

Einfuehrung in PascalScript
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 14698

Introduction to PascalScript

Einsteiger in Delphi
Author: Markus Lange-Hegermann
Language: german
Hits: 18409

Tutorial for Delphi beginners.

Lektionen in Delphi für Programmieranfänger
Author: Joachim Mohr
Language: german
Hits: 20178

Tutorial for Delphi beginners.

MMX im Inline-Assembler von Hochsprachen nutzen
Author: Sokratez
Language: german
Hits: 14337

Use MMX with inline-assembler

Pattern Generierung mit UML und ModelMaker
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 15395

Generate patterns with UML and ModelMaker.

Author: Manuel Pöter
Language: german
Hits: 18357

A Pointer tutorial for OOP development.

Author: Marc Dürst
Language: english
Hits: 14604

Show how to use Singeltons.

UML 2.0 Praxisbuch mit Delphi
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 13715

UML 2.0 with Delphi

Universal embedding of files in Delphi units
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: english
Hits: 12299

This article attempts to explain how to include files (bytearray) inside a Delphi/Kylix unit or application or dll as different kinds of binaries and how to manage them without the resource technology.

Writing and using Intel assembly code in Delphi
Author: Guido Gybels
Language: english
Hits: 16965

Many programmers today associate assembler with a difficult, low-level kind of programming. They consider it fast, but most of them also think it is incomprehensible and impossible to learn. In reality, things are not that bad.

XML Basics Handbook
Author: Itech Consulting
Language: english
Hits: 13296

This handbook contains basics of XML. It contains examples which can be executed using Notepad, Altova's XML Spy or EditPlus software. The handbook focuses on basic concepts and targets novices as well as intermediate XML programmers.

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